Premium Treatment Packages

  • Allergy Care

    Your pet has been diagnosed with allergies. We will evaluate their skin and use our 3 step process to bring your pets irritated skin relief. Detox, Cleanse, and Hydrate. The peeling action of the vitamin micro-particles efficiently removes impurities which then activates the production of new skin cells. Then using Nettle which adds back softness and silliness, leaving the sensation of relief.

  • Blueberry Brilliance Facial Package

    We will evaluate your pet's face and choose the best treatment for their needs. Using our tearless formula infused with real blueberry extract with violet pigments safely and effectively will remove most tear stains and yellow stains around the mouth. This can be used on all color fur and hair type dogs.

  • Blueberry Brilliance Facial and Body Package

    From their head to their toes, your pet will be evaluated to create the best treatment for discoloration as well as bringing the natural rich color back to their fur/hair. Infused with Real Blueberry Extract, one of the most potent super-fruits in the world! Vital for all dogs, blueberry extracts and antioxidants are known for skin conditioning benefits that protect the body's cells from damage, promote cell turnover, and protect against age-related cognitive decline. This can be used on all color fur and hair type dogs.

  • Brightest White Treatment

    Fading white coats, dulling fur or hair…our Brightest White treatment reverses fading adding richness, vibrancy, and shine. Our products will add back lost color that has faded over time. It makes white coats pop, become shiny and bright. PH will be restored. No bleach is ever used in any of our products.

  • Keep Your Fluff

    Matting is a serious condition for both you and your pup. With the Keep the Fluff package, you will be able to keep your pups fur fluffy, full and mat-free Using our strengthening mask with natural silicons, our sebum balancing, anti-hair loss, anti-stress, restructuring, repairing and nourishing treatment will help strengthen hair and reduces shedding. The same shedding that if not brushed out cause those nasty matsl

  • Luxury Conditioning Treatment

    Dry and dull hair can come from a variety of issues, everything from stress and the environment the animals live in. (think pollution and air toxins). We will use a Caviar conditioning cream rich in Caulerpa Lentillifera extract (also known as vegetable caviar) and Vitamin F, which soften the coat, moisturize it and give it strength and vitality. The coat thus acquires a healthy and radiant appearance.

  • Senior Dogs

    Our senior package is geared toward the seniors mobility, designed to be as short as possible, giving multiple breaks as needed. They will be given a skin and coat evaluation and the right essential products will be chosen. This may include a detox mask, essential oils and minerals. They will end their treatment with a warm towel cloaked in lavender.

  • Shed-Less Treatment

    The ultimate in eliminating unwanted hair. Our Shed-less Treatment works best on double-coated breeds, but all dogs that shed will benefit. This treatment will provide your pet with the best hair/skin care and also help reduce your pets shedding up to 90%, if used regularly over time. The undercoats of dogs are vital for regulating their body temperature. Shedding is an essential part of their skin and fur health. Typically a dog will do two large sheds a year. During these times enormous amounts of hair will be falling out. If the hair is not able to come out, hot spots can form, their skin cells will become clogged, matting will form, bacteria can set in and many other skin irritants can happen.

  • Tear Stain Removal Package

    This is a 2 step process requiring the client to bring their pets back in 1 week from first application. We will remove all debris from the dog or cat's eyes. Cleaning out and combing the eye area. The first application will be placed on the infected area, waiting after 5 minutes, then will be cleaned and dried and the second application will then be applied. We use the healing, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties of comfrey, herbal extracts and colloidal silver with natural antiseptic properties, to fight bacterial growth. We use products that contain natural oils with anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and powerful emollients and humectants, with moisturizing and healing benefits.

  • Therapeutic Skin Treatment

    We will evaluate your pets skin and coat to create the best therapeutic therapy. This can be a soak, a scrub or a wrap. These treatments are made for skin that has become unbalanced and devitalized, due to age, illness, trauma or other.