Introducing Caturdays at Barkley Square!

We have designated Saturdays at The Pet Spa at Barkley Square in Falls Church as a special day of grooming for our feline clients! We have developed a cattery in our mobile unit that allows us to groom your cats in a safe space free of dogs and distractions!

You can still make a cat grooming appointment for any day of the week (subject to availability); however, “Cat”urdays will be the one day of the week when the special cattery at the Pet Spa will be in use. Please note this particular offering is at our Falls Church spa only. We offer curbside cat grooming on our mobile unit as well during our mobile’s regular operating hours (M-F 9am-6pm).

For our canine clients, this will not affect your ability to schedule dog grooming any day of the week (again, subject to availability).

If you have a cat, we hope you will take advantage of this exciting new offer from Barkley Square!


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